
VTG - Velocity and Track made Good


This is one of the sentences commonly supported by GPS / GNSS receivers.

The VTG sentence conveys the track made good / course over ground (COG) and the speed over ground (SOG).

There are two forms of VTG which can be distinguished by field 2, which will be the fixed text ‘T’ in the newer form.

All of the fields in VTG are also present in RMC, or can be derived from RMC.

Newer Structure

NMEA 2.3 onwards:
         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 9 10
         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |

Prior to NMEA 2.3:
         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 9
         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |
# Field Format Example Description
0 Sentence ID string $GPVTG Talker ID (GP) + message ID (VTG)
1 COG true numeric 220.86 Course over ground in degrees (true), typically 2 dp
2 COG true unit character T Fixed field. T = degrees true
3 COG mag numeric - Course over ground in degrees (magnetic). Null (empty) if unavailable.
4 COG mag unit character M Fixed field. M = degrees magnetic
5 SOG knots numeric 2.550 Speed over ground in knots, typically 2 or 3 dp
6 SOG knots unit character N Fixed field. N = Knots
7 SOG kph numeric 4.724 Speed over ground in km/h, typically 2 or 3 dp
8 SOG kph unit character K Fixed field. K = Kilometers per hour
9 Pos mode character A Positioning mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
10 Checksum hexadecimal *7B Checksum


Older Structure

The sentence was quite different in some older versions of NMEA:
         1  2  3   4  5
         |  |  |   |  |
# Field Format Example Description
0 Sentence IDs string $GPVTG Talker ID (GP) + message ID (VTG)
1 COG true numeric 220.86 Course over ground in degrees (true), typically 2 dp
2 COG mag numeric - Course over ground in degrees (magnetic). Null (empty) if unavailable.
3 SOG knots numeric 2.550 Speed over ground in knots, typically 2 or 3 dp
4 SOG kph numeric 4.724 Speed over ground in km/h, typically 2 or 3 dp
5 Checksum hexadecimal *7B Checksum


NMEA Revealed


Locosys GT-31
