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Watch Usage

Sadly we don’t live in a simple world where your GPS is either working, or not working. GPS errors vary in magnitude and the presence of a speed on the display does not mean the watch is operating correctly, or whether it is accurate.

The unfortunate downside of only considering max speeds is their susceptibility to errors. For example, during a routine test session my APEX Pro recently reported a max of 37.88 knots when I was wingfoiling, instead of the actual 23 knots!

Aside from the quality of the GNSS chipset and antenna inside your watch, how you use the watch will influence the quality + accuracy of its results. Settings have already been discussed, so this section will focus on general usage.

Wearing the Watch

How you wear your GPS watch can significantly impact the accuracy and reliability of the data being recorded. Fortunately, you can reduce the likelihood of errors by following some simple advice.

The basic goal is to ensure that your watch has a clear view of the sky for as much of the time as possible, especially during speed runs:

These points may seem nitpicky, but they really do make a difference to the overall performance of GPS watches. Whilst evaluating various Garmin watches, we saw poor quality data as a result of watches underneath neoprene.

Recording an Activity

Firmware and Settings

Due to various issues introduced by COROS during 2024, please check that you are using an appropriate firmware:

Ensure you are using the correct watch settings:

Activity Mode

It is important to note that different activity modes implement their own unique filtering and smoothing. The implementation of each activity is unique to the watch manufacturer and this page shows the “custom” activity of COROS for illustrative purposes.

The image below compares speeds from an APEX 2 Pro (red) and PACE 3 (green) against a 5 Hz Motion GPS (blue). The terrible accuracy from both watches is very clear, and entirely due to use of the “custom” activity. The custom activity is unsuitable for windsurfing / wingfoiling / kitesurfing!


Contrast this to the speedsurfing mode on the APEX 2 Pro (red), VERTIX 2 (green) and 5 Hz Motion GPS (blue). Aside from a small delay the COROS watches are pretty close to the Motion GPS (blue), and faithfully capturing the true speed.


This article will not describe all of the COROS activities, but VERTIX 2 spikes are often associated with use of the windsurfing mode (which is very different to speedsurfing) and the use of standard GPS (not multi-GNSS).


Additional Tips

To ensure the crown dial and buttons do not seize up:

Handy everyday tips:

Additional tips:

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