There are many blogs which describe how to run Docker containers from Jenkins.
Here are just a small selection:
Using Docker in Jenkins on
The simple way to run Docker-in-Docker for CI on Get into
Using docker in a dockerized Jenkins container on the Docker forums
Mounting /var/run/docker.sock
does indeed work but it is NOT recommended for security reasons.
Although this method is described within this document, extreme caution should be exercised. If an attacker should gain access to Jenkins via it’s GUI or APIs or the container itself you will be in big trouble!
The best way to install the Docker client into Jenkins is via a Dockerfile.
FROM jenkins/jenkins:${JENKINS_VERSION:-lts-alpine}
# Switch to the root user
USER root
# Add the Docker group
RUN addgroup --gid 993 docker && \
adduser jenkins docker
# Install Docker client
RUN apk add --no-cache docker
# Back to the Jenkins user
USER jenkins
Note how a “docker” group needs to be created in the image and assigned to the Jenkins user.
The gid must match the gid of the docker group on the host machine.
Bind mounting the Docker socket from the host into the container can be done from the command line or via Docker Compose:
This allows the Jenkins container to communicate directly with the Docker daemon on the host.
As described earlier, extreme caution should be exercised when using this approach. If an attacker should gain access to Jenkins via it’s GUI or APIs or the container itself you will be in big trouble!
Building your first Docker image with Jenkins 2: Guide for developers - build and publish automatically