
Tips and Tricks


DockerCon18 Europe

Brandon Mitchell - Tips and Tricks of the Docker Captains

The slides are available on GitHub.

DockerCon19 San Francisco

Brandon Mitchell - Tips and Tricks of the Docker Captains

The slides are available on GitHub.



The Docker daemon can be configured by tweaking /etc/docker/daemon.json.

This is can also be done through in Settings -> GUI (Advanced) on Docker for Windows

File Sizes

Limit the size of log files for new containers as follows:

    "log-opts": {"max-size": "10m", "max-file": "3"}

Log Driver

The local logging driver was introduced in Docker 18.09, released 2018-11-08.

Switch to the optimized driver for new containers as follows:

    "log-driver": "local"


Subnet Collisions

Avoid subnet collisions on other networks by using BIP and specifying default address pools:

    "bip": "",
    "default-address-pools": [
        {"base": "", "size": 24},
        {"base": "", "size": 24}

Network debugging

Spin up another container containing the network debugging tools, connected to the network of the original container.

Image Layers

Understanding layers

Identify what has been added / changed / deleted in each layer:

docker image build --no-cache --rm=false .
docker container diff [container]

A = added, C = changed (“copy on write”), D = deleted

Merge RUN commands

This is a well known best practice to reduce the number of layers and size of images:

RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y curl \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Multi-Stage Builds

These are also a well known best practice to reduce the number of layers and size of images.

They are particularly useful for languages such as Java, Go, etc.

Note: The build layers are not shipped with the image but they are cached on the build server.

Build Cache

You can specify the garbage collection policy in daemon.json:

    "builder": {
        "gc": {
            "enabled": true,
            "policy": [
                {"keepStorage": "512MB", "filter": {"unused-for": {"168h": true}}},
                {"keepStorage": "2GB", "all": true}



This can be particularly useful as files can be used in the build but excluded from the final image:


NFS and EXT4 Mounts

It is possible to mount NFS and EXT4 volumes in Docker containers.

Overlay Filesystem

An overlay file system ensures that writes to volumes are only visible to the container.


Fixing UID / GID

Different UID / GID on the host can be problematic on developer machines.

Brandon has created a script to fix these issues when the container starts up.

Check the slide decks on GitHub!

Copying WSL 2 Distros

Since project files should be stored in the Linux distro you may need to copy files between different WSL distros.

This can easily be achieved when Docker Desktop is running because it creates some useful bind mounts.

From your target distro run the following command to check for /mnt/wsl:

mount | grep "mnt/wsl"

Create a folder to be mounted and then bind mount it into /mnt/wsl:

mkdir ~/testmount
mkdir /mnt/wsl/testmount
sudo mount -o bind ~/testmount /mnt/wsl/testmount

The source distro can then copy files into the mount:

cp -rp ~/project /mnt/wsl/testmount

Once you are done you can dispose of “testmount” in /mnt/wsl.

Note: This trick was mentioned in a Bret Fisher live show - starts at 1h40m in this video.