

Python is my “go to” language for most projects.

Python 2 to Python 3

I have made some notes detailing some common code changes required when migrating from Python 2 to Python 3.

Docker Images

I have a number of GitHub projects which have been developed using Jupyter Notebook and deployed using regular Python.

Examining my Docker files and Docker Compose files provides a useful reference as to how this can be achieved.


My wca-db project uses Docker Compose for Jupyter Notebook and MariaDB.

The Docker Compose files are within the docker directory of the project on GitHub.

Base Images:


A number of my projects are developed in the Jupyter Base Notebook but deployed as Python.

The Dockerfile in the project root uses a multi-stage build to convert the .ipynb files to regular .py files and create a lightweight Python image for deployment.

GitHub repositories:

The base image for deployment is on DockerHub:

The hardest bit of the python-bs4 build relates to lxml but it is fully documented on GitHub.

BeautifulSoup and lxml can quickly be tested using the following Python script:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup("<html/>", "lxml")


It should be noted that there can be problems with Python images built from Alpine Linux.

Some useful articles are listed below: