Speed Sailing Event Results - Technical Docs
The documentation for this project has been broken down into a number of smaller topics.
All of the documentation has been written in Markdown due to the simplicity of the language and native support on GitHub.
Several of the topics have yet to be completed and may have little more than a working skeleton present, thus labelled “incomplete”.
Technical Overviews
- Technologies - overview of technologies used by this project.
- Usage - overview of how to use the software, refresh the reports, publish the results, etc.
- Development - overview the development lifecycle, testing approaches, etc.
Technical Details
- Server - details about the Motion server for automatic track downloads, etc.
- Configuration (incomplete) - details of application, event and session configuration files.
- Reports (incomplete) - details of reporting engine, report definitions, configuration, etc.
- Countries - details of the country codes used by this project, just for the sake of completeness.
Helpful Hints
- Diagnostics - explains the significance of any messages output; automatic data fixes, sanity checks, etc.
- Gotchas - list of possible “gotchas” that may be foreseen and some possible solutions / workarounds.
- Tricks and Tips - technical “tricks and tips” for interrogating configuration files from the command line.
Future Plans
- Todo - list of additional features and minor tweaks still to be implemented in this project.
Quality Assurances
- Testing (incomplete) - summary of unit testing, system testing and manual testing.
- Reconciliation - summary of differences between these WSW results and the results originally published.