
GPX Extensions


Ever since the release of GPX 1.1 there have been requests for specific types of sensor data to be included in the official GPX specification. Common requests have included things like course + speed, IMU data (e.g. heading / pitch / roll), meteorological data (e.g. air / water temperature), fitness data (e.g. heart rate / power / cadence) and nautical data (e.g. boat speed, water depth, etc).

One of the ideas mused over the years has been a standard collection of extensions for different categories of data. After investigating what is important to a runner or cyclist, versus an airplane or helicopter pilot, versus a yachtsmen it seems that a standard collection of extensions has great merit. There are many generic data items that are common to multiple activities, and there are also many bespoke data items that are activity specific.

This page proposes a standard collection of extensions which can potentially be developed into officially blessed extensions. It should be noted that these pages are simply to convey information that is likely to be important when designing the actual schemas. The content of these pages has been created off the back of some long conversations with cyclists, pilots (commercial and military) and sailors (competitive and yacht masters).

Basic Concepts

Diving In

There are a huge number of activities that can benefit from the use of GPS / GNSS receivers, many of which will be interested in similar sources of data.

Feel free to take a look at some simple examples prior to looking at the extensions in more detail.

Schema Description
gpx_fix Fix type
gpx_ico Icons
gpx_pvt Position / velocity / time
gpx_imu Inertial measurement unit
gpx_met Meteorological
gpx_fit Fitness
gpx_sea Sea / nautical
gpx_air Air / aviation
gpx_eng Engine
gpx_gen Generic
gpx_nav Navigation - TODO

Don’t forget to look at the examples that have been provided for various activities; land, sea, and air. :)

Additional extensions worth discussion:

Additional Concepts