
GPS Exchange Format (GPX) - Waterspeed


GPX is a clearly defined standard with a public XSD, specifying how to create GPX files that are compatible with any application. Waterspeed currently provides four different GPX exports, but this really should not be necessary.

When the GPX exports from Waterspeed are validated it is clear that all four have issues. Different applications are tolerant of different issues in GPX files, but a single GPX-compliant file would be suitable for any application.


GPX Validation

There are numerous ways to check compliance and validate a GPX file against the XSD. Several approaches are described at the GPX home, but the simplest approach is to use an online validator such as the one at

This example has been fixed by hand to ensure compliance with the GPX 1.1 schema. Simply paste it into the XML Validator and press “Validate XML”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1"
    <name>Waterspeed Activity 450bce8c-04cc-4dfc-8360-a55aade3f1c8</name>
      <trkpt lat="50.5712707" lon="-2.4565614">

Note: The use of gpx-strict.xsd ensures the contents of <extensions> is fully validated. The gpx-strict.xsd reference should only be used during testing / development and gpx.xsd should be used in production.

Changes Required

The above example was based on “GPX - Google Maps, Earth” generated by Waterspeed, but a number of changes were required for GPX compliance.

If these changes are implemented within the Waterspeed application then a single GPX export will be suitable for any application.

GPX Schema Location

The URL for the GPX schema at topografix needed to be fixed in xsi:schemaLocation:

<gpx xsi:schemaLocation="">

n.b. This is the https endpoint because does not support 301 redirects at this time.

Garmin Schema Version

TrackpointExtension/v1 does not support course or speed, TrackPointExtension/v2 is required:

<gpx xmlns:gpxtpx="">

n.b. TrackPointExtension/v2 is the only public GPX extension that supports speed and course at this time.

Garmin Schema Location

The URL for the Garmin extension needs to be added to xsi:schemaLocation:

<gpx xsi:schemaLocation="

n.b. The subdomain hosting the Garmin extensions is now


Timestamps can be formatted in one of two ways in GPX files, generally the “Z” approach is preferred:


The format “+0000” (missing colon) as used in the Google and Strava exports is not valid.

Ordering of Elements

The schemas for GPX and the Garmin TrackPointExtension have defined a strict ordering of XML elements.

This example illustrates the correct ordering for elevation, time, heart rate, speed and course:

<trkpt lat="50.5712707" lon="-2.4565614">


Heart Rate

A heart rate of “0” is invalid according to the XSD of Garmin’s TrackPointExtension.

When heart rate is unknown, it should be omitted from the trackpoint.


An elevation of “0” should not be included in trackpoints, unless the elevation has actually been measured as zero.

When elevation is unknown, it should be omitted from the trackpoint.

Ideally, elevation as calculated by the GPS / GNSS receiver should be recorded.

Speed and Course

A speed or course of “-1” should not be included in trackpoints.

When speed or course is unknown, it should be omitted from the trackpoint.

Additional Observations

GPX Compliance

Data Values


The use of <gpxdata:speed> should be regarded as an interim solution, since it will result in errors when validating GPX files against gpx-strict.xsd. However, in the not too distant future GPSAR, GPSResults, and GPS-Speedsurfing will all support <gpxtpx:speed> and will not require <gpxdata:speed> to be present in GPX files.

There will be a transitional period where both <gpxdata:speed> and <gpxtpx:speed> should be included in a single GPX file (e.g. uploads to GPS-Speedsurfing), but this should be regarded as an interim solution. The inclusion of <gpxdata:speed> in GPX exports should be accepted by all major software, including Garmin products.

In the future, there will be no requirement for <gpxdata:speed>. GPX files including <gpxtpx:speed> are fully compliant with the schemas for GPX 1.1 and TrackPointExtension v2 and will pass the “strict” validation of gps-strict.xsd.


I would suggest updating Waterspeed to offer just two GPX exports:

  1. Universal GPX export to replace the GPX exports for Strava, Google and Garmin
  2. Modified GPX export, including <gpxdata:speed> as well as <gpxtpx:speed>

The second export would be for GPSAR and, until such time as they no longer require <gpxdata:speed>. It has the advantage of being compatible with existing software, but also allows GPSAR and to smoothly transition to the universal GPX export.

GPX - Universal

This would be a fully compliant GPX file as described in this document. The GPX header would be as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Waterspeed"

A trackpoint would only require <gpxtpx:speed> for speed:

<trkpt lat="50.5712707" lon="-2.4565614">


This would be a modified version of the universal GPX export. The GPX header would be as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Waterspeed"

Note the addition of xmlns:gpxdata in the GPX header but the lack of a corresponding XSD in xsi:schemaLocation.

A trackpoint would use <gpxtpx:speed> and <gpxdata:speed> for speed:

<trkpt lat="50.5712707" lon="-2.4565614">

The presence of <gpxtpx:speed> and <gpxdata:speed> will mean that this export is suitable for the existing versions of GPSAR and GPS-Speedsurfing, but they can transition to <gpxtpx:speed> in the future. Eventually, the GPSAR export will become redundant and can be removed from Waterspeed.


Ensuring that GPX exports from Waterspeed are GPX-compliant will mean that the 4 existing GPX exports can replaced with a single GPX export in the longer term. To allow for a smooth transition to this single format an additional GPSAR export is also suggested, as described earlier.

All of the changes are relatively straightforward to implement, and validation of GPX files during development is extremely easy using Both of the exports described in the previous section (universal GPX and GPSAR) should pass the online validation.

I hope this information is helpful, and I hope the Waterspeed developer(s) can find the time to implement these changes.