
UBX - u-blox Binary

This is the native u-blox binary format and was generated by the ESP-GPS, prior to it supporting OAO.

UBX Name Raw Name Type Name Type Units Resolution
GPS time of week iTOW <u4 - - - -
Year (UTC) year <u2 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Month (UTC) month u1 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Day (UTC) day u1 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Hour (UTC) hour u1 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Minute (UTC) min u1 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Second (UTC) sec u1 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
Validity flags valid u1 - - - -
Time accuracy estimate tAcc <u4 - - - -
Fraction of second (ns) nano <i4 ts float64 s 1 x 10-3
GNSS fix type (includes DR) fixType u1 fix uint8 - -
Fix status flags flags u1 - - - -
Additional flags flags2 u1 - - - -
Number of satellites used numSV u1 sat uint8 - -
Longitude lon <i4 lat float64 deg 1 x 10-7
Latitude lat <i4 lon float64 deg 1 x 10-7
Height above ellipsoid height <i4 - - - -
Height above mean sea level hMSL <i4 ele float64 m 1 x 10-3
Horizontal accuracy estimate hAcc <u4 ehpe float32 m 1 x 10-3
Vertical accuracy estimate vAcc <u4 evpe float32 m 1 x 10-3
NED north velocity 1 velN <i4 - - - -
NED east velocity 1 velE <i4 - - - -
NED down velocity 2 velD <i4 roc float32 deg 1 x 10-3
Ground Speed (2-D) gSpeed <i4 sog float32 m/s 1 x 10-3
Heading of motion (2-D) headMot <i4 cog float32 deg 1 x 10-3
Speed accuracy estimate sAcc <u4 ehve float32 m/s 1 x 10-3
Heading accuracy estimate headAcc <u4 ece float32 deg 1 x 10-3
Position DOP pDOP <u2 pdop float32 - 1 x 10-2
Additional flags flags3 <u2 - - - -
Reserved reserved <u4 - - - -
Heading of vehicle headVeh <i4 - - - -
Magnetic declination magDec <i2 - - - -
Magnetic declination accuracy magAcc <u2 - - - -


  1. NED north + east velocity are recorded by the FlySight GPS.
  2. NED down velocity is the opposite of rate of climb (ROC).


Convert fix type from the ublox scheme (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to a standard scheme?