Author: Michael George
Created: 18 Jan 2024
This is a continuation of the investigation into the GPS Metadata found in Garmin FIT files.
Whilst the original investigation primarily used the data from a short walk, this one looks at the data from short test drives.
The windsurfing activity does not implement any significant filtering of the Doppler-derived speeds.
This can be seen when comparing the FIT records (blue) against the data from a Motion GPS (red).
The GPS metadata (orange) in the FIT file does not match the speeds in the FIT records (blue). It can be seen that the speeds in GPS metadata are filtered / smoothed and there are some peculiar drop-offs in the speed.
The kayaking sport profile is already known to implement heavy filtering / smoothing, just like the stand up paddling profile.
This can be seen when comparing the speeds in FIT records (blue) against the speeds from a Motion GPS (red).
The GPS metadata (orange) is clearly not the raw Doppler-derived speeds, but appears to use similar filtering to the windsurfing profile. Note it also includes the peculiar drop-offs in the speed, just like the windsurfing profile.
To test the hypothesis, two Garmin watches recording the same test drive were directly compared.
The expectation is for the GPS metadata to be near-identical from both watches, whilst the speed in FIT records should differ greatly.
Let’s begin with a comparison of the various GPS receivers.
Aside from the usual 1 second delay it can be seen how the “other” activity (red) compares favorably to the Motion (green), whilst the kayaking activity (blue) implements some heavy filtering / smoothing.
Just as a sanity check the data from the FIT records can also be plotted in Excel.
The comparison of GPS metadata from both watches confirms that the filtering is identical for both activities; kayaking and other.
The nature of the speeds in GPS metadata is far less of a mystery now, but their purpose has not been established, yet.